Navimer Alcohol Pur Glas 96% 1 Ltr


Sale price€29.52


A bottle of rectified spirit from Navimer. At 96% this should only be used heavily diluted and not drunken Neat. 

Navimer Alcohol Pur is a pure distillate containing 96% alcohol. Due to the high alcohol content, it is not suitable for pure consumption. Navimer Alcohol Pur and pure alcohol in general is extremely suitable for processing dishes or mixing .

Basically, Navimer Alcohol Pur is a vodka. Because it has been distilled several times, it is stronger than normal vodka. It has no smell, color or taste due to the many distillations.

Navimer is popular for making its own limoncello . It is also used as a dessert or for making other liqueurs. 96% alcohol is the highest achievable percentage. Navimer is made in Belgium.


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