Winery : Markus Divinus
Grape : Shiraz, Syrah, Gellewezza
Region : Malta
Wine Style:
Alcohol Content: %
Food Pairing:
Description: Grapes: Gellewza, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese. A dry, medium-bodied, complex ruby coloured wine. Aromas of strawberry, s our cherry and plum, oak maturation of smoke, toast, sweet spices of vanilla and coconut, and a stony mineral finish. The medium levels of acidity are in combination with the levels of tannin giving a long aftertaste …
Grape : Shiraz, Syrah, Gellewezza
Region : Malta
Wine Style:
Alcohol Content: %
Food Pairing:
Description: Grapes: Gellewza, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese. A dry, medium-bodied, complex ruby coloured wine. Aromas of strawberry, s our cherry and plum, oak maturation of smoke, toast, sweet spices of vanilla and coconut, and a stony mineral finish. The medium levels of acidity are in combination with the levels of tannin giving a long aftertaste …