Crystal Head Vodka+ GB 40% 3Ltr
Crystal Head Bottling Note
Crystal Head Vodka is one of the most brilliant things ever to be, also one of the very finest celebrity-endorsed products we've ever seen. Created for the legendary Dan Aykroyd, Crystal Head Vodka is kosher-certified, and made using Newfoundland water which is filtered through 500 million year old crystals called Herkimer diamonds. Crystal Head Vodka is also gluten-free and made with non-GMO corn.
The bottle is made in Italy by Bruni Glass and it's also a crystal skull, which is, of course, the best thing (ignoring the negative connotations with the travesty that was Indiana Jones 4...).
Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt
Nose: Vanilla and soft spices. A little rye and wheat.
Palate: Grainy, sweet palate with pepper and spice.
Finish: Soft, warming finish. Very clean.